Question Title

* 1. Contact Information:

Question Title

* 2. Gender:

Question Title

* 3. Age:

Question Title

* 4. Do you have a child that is 16 or 17 years of age?

Question Title

* 5. Do you or anyone in your household work in any of the following industries? Please select all that apply for each row.

  You Someone in your household Not myself or anyone in my household 
A marketing or advertising company or division
A market research company or department
A public relations company or firm
A newspaper, TV, or radio station
A streaming, TV, or entertainment company
A professional sports league company
A grocery or convenience store
A retail store
A social media company
A healthcare company
A digital commerce or eCommerce company

Question Title

* 6. Have you participated in a focus group or market research interview in the past 6 months? 

Question Title

* 7. Which of the following best describes your current employment status? 

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following best describes your ethnicity?

Question Title

* 9. Which of the following video games have you personally played in the last six months? Please select all that apply

Question Title

* 10. Below is a list of professional video game leagues and events. Which of the following have you watched in the last six months? Please select all that apply

Question Title

* 11. When you are watching esports professionals play in esports leagues, matches, or championships online, what platforms do you use? Please note that when we say "professional" we are referring to those who play in competitive professional events and are not just famous influencers or full time streamers. Please select all that apply

  I use this and I play a subscription I use this but I do not play a subscription I do not use this 
Facebook Gaming
Afreeca TV

Question Title

* 12. You mentioned watching the following platforms. Which of the following is your primary platform you use to watch professional esports? Please note that when we say "professional leagues and events" we are referring to competitive professional events, not streams of famous influencers or full time streamers.

Question Title

* 13. When you are watching professionals play esports on TV or an online service, what devices do you use? Please select all that apply

Question Title

* 14. How much do you agree with the following statements about your preferred platform for watching professional esports games or tournaments? Please note that when we say "professional leagues and events" we are referring to competitive professional events, not streams of famous influencers or full-time streamers. 

  1 Strongly disagree 2 Somewhat disagree 3 Somewhat agree 4 Strongly agree 
I want the platform that offers the freedom to say whatever I want without being reported
I want the platform with a layout that does not distract/take away from the game
I want the platform with the best streaming quality, audio and visual clarity that is seamless and sharp
I want the platform with the ability to make it easy for me to follow the players I am interested in
I want the platform with the best instant replays

Question Title

* 15. Here is a list of statements describing a variety of opinions related to watching professional esports. Please note that when we say "professional leagues and events" we are referring to competitive professional events, not streams of famous influencers or full-time streamers.

1 It is more exciting to play than to watch 4 It is more exciting to watch than to play
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 16. Here is a list of statements describing a variety of opinions related to watching professional esports. Please note that when we say "professional leagues and events" we are referring to competitive professional events, not streams of famous influencers or full-time streamers.

1 I watch esports because I love the teams/players 4 I watch esports because I love the game itself
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 17. Below is a list of features or capabilities for esports or sports streaming platforms. How interested would you be in each of the following sports or esports related options or capabilities on a streaming platform? For each, indicate how interested you would be in the feature being added. 

  1 Not interested at all  2 Not very interested  3 Somewhat interested 4 Very interested
Ability to influence the live event audibly (e.g. team chant audio pumped into the event's sound system and on stream based on type of audience engagement)

Question Title

* 18. How much do you agree with the following statements about watching professional esports online or in-person? Please note that when we say "professional leagues and events" we are referring to competitive professionals events, not streams of famous influencers or full time streamers. 

  1 Strongly disagree 2 Somewhat disagree 3 Somewhat agree 4 Strongly agree
I watch esports to see pros trash talk
I am more likely to watch esports when there is a large prize and increased stakes
I watch esports because I love talking about key moments with my friends, either during or after the game 

Question Title

* 19. Do you have access to a computer or laptop with a webcam (either at home or at work)?

Question Title

* 20. What type of internet connection do you have on this computer?

Question Title

* 21. What operating system does your computer run on?

Question Title

* 22. How did you hear about the study?

Thank you for completing this survey, if it appears you pre-qualify a recruiter will give you a call.