This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, thank you for your contribution.

Central Queensland Rural Health (CQRH) are conducting this survey as part of the engagement activities across Central Queensland to inform the next update of the Central Queensland Suicide Prevention Plan (CQSPP).  Your input will help ensure that it remains current and relevant to the needs of communities within the Central Queensland region.
The CQSPP covers the local government areas (LGAs) of the Banana Shire, Gladstone Region, Rockhampton Region, Livingstone Shire, Woorabinda Shire and Central Highlands.   It is based on the Black Dog Institute’ LifeSpan systems’ approach to suicide prevention, as the evidence suggests that using multiple strategies together provides the best opportunity for successful outcomes.  There are nine strategies within the LifeSpan approach, and when used effectively together, these form a sound platform to support local community suicide prevention action plans and initiatives. 

Since the CQSPP was released in 2018, key suicide prevention programs have changed; the Centre for Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention have provided advice on the integration of First Nation Suicide Prevention initiatives into the LifeSPAN framework; and communities priorities and programs may have evolved.  Updating the CQSPP is needed to reflect these changes.

This survey asks you to consider what suicide prevention strategies are successfully in place in your area, and those that could be improved. You will also be asked to place a priority on each of the strategies. 

Following the survey, CQRH will finalise the results from all the community engagement activities, draft the changes to the CQSPP,  and distribute throughout the region for final comment before submitting to the PHN for review and endorsement.  The updated CQSPP can then be used to inform subsequent reviews of the LGA Suicide Prevention Action Plans, community strategies,  and other community suicide prevention initiatives.

Confidentiality:  Filling in this questionnaire is voluntary. You can stop at any time and without needing to provide an explanation. The questionnaire will not collect your name or other personal details and we will ensure that any information you give will not be used to re-identify you.

Data Privacy:   The survey data is collected using SurveyMonkey, which means that the information collected will be transferred outside Australia and stored securely on SurveyMonkey's servers. By volunteering to complete this survey you agree to this transfer.  You can read more about how SurveyMonkey manages your personal information and website data on their website click here   

Self Care:  If you have lost a person to suicide, your experience can be a powerful contribution to suicide research and prevention. The most important consideration, however, is that you feel you are ready and that your participation is a positive experience. If you have a lived experience of losing some to suicide, we encourage you to work through the questions Readiness to be involved sheet.

Upsetting issues: This survey covers topics that may be upsetting, such as suicide and self-harm. Please prioritise care for yourself. If this research raises any personal or upsetting issues, you may wish to contact your local Head to Health team (1800 595 212) or Lifeline (13 11 14). You may also like to look at the Guide to self care sheet.

Central Queensland Rural Health (CQRH) receives funding from the Australian Government through the PHN Program (via Country to Coast Qld) to work with local communities to support awareness about engagement with, and implementation of the CQSPP at local and regional levels.