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Please note - This session is free if you are a WME Shareholder member, it is only £35 for non shareholder members whom are public sector HR & OD colleagues

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* 1. Delegate Details

Please provide your details here to register for the WMOD ELITE CPD 006 session upcoming on the 27th march 2024

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* 2. Booking Confirmation

The delegate fee is £35 per person for WME Shareholder Members and £35 for other Public Sector HR & OD Colleagues

You must provide a purchase order number on this booking form to enable us to process your application. Once your place is confirmed, an invoice will be emailed to you and payment must be made before the start of the programme.

Note: Please ensure that a copy of your Purchase Order is emailed to before the start of the programme

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* 3. Terms & Conditions

An email will be sent to your email address to confirm your booking application has been received and that we have reserved you a place on this session

Once we confirm your place, an invoice will be sent to the invoice email address provided and payment should be made at least 5 working days before the start of the course to activate your access to the programme and delegate materials.

Full joining instructions will be sent to the delegate email address no later than 5 days before the programme start date or as soon as payment is made if less than 5 days before the programme start.

Cancellation Policy

All cancellations must be made in writing to and the following cancellation charges will apply.

Cancellation of a confirmed booking within 30 working days of the cohort start date will be charged at 50% of the fee.

Cancellation of a confirmed booking within 15 working days of the cohort start date will be charged at 100% of the fee.

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* 4. Data Protection

Managing Your Information - Please read our Privacy Notice and give consent for your contact details to be used for the administration of this programme and related Inspire communications or activity.

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* 5. Evaluation and Feedback

We will be asking all participants to provide feedback and participate in evaluation of these WM OD ELITE CPD sessions

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* 6. I confirm that all the information on this form is true, complete and accurate