2022 Pre-Conference Workshop Survey Question Title * 1. What Pre-Conference Workshop did you participate in? Presenting at a Conference: Tips and Feedback UNEP's USEtox consensus exposure and toxicity model for chemical substitution Meet & Greet: Network with exposure scientists around the world! Hands on analysis of mass spectrometry-based exposomics data using ADAP-BIG and ADAP-KDB How to access open air quality data from the OpenAQ Platform Improving task-based exposure assessment accuracy using the Structure Deterministic Model 2.0 Modeling of consumer aggregate exposure using ConsExpo and PACEM Techniques of Sample and Analysis of Biological Aerosols Strategies for enhancing peer review from an editor's perspective Stoffenmanager: a validated and regulatory accepted chemical workplace exposure management tool combining latest exposure intelligence and smart IT Question Title * 2. How rate the convenience of the Pre-Conference Workshop? (1=poor/very inconvenient, 5=very convenient) Additional comments or feedback: Question Title * 3. How would you rate the value of the Pre-Conference Workshop compared to the price of the Pre-Conference Workshop? (1=low value, 5=amazing/worth the fee) Additional comments or feedback: Question Title * 4. How would you rate the content of the Pre-Conference Workshop? (1=poor/unacceptable, 5=amazing) Additional comments or feedback: Question Title * 5. How would you rate the speakers of the Pre-Conference Workshop? (1=poor/unacceptable, 5=amazing) Additional comments or feedback: Question Title * 6. How would you rate the overall experience of the Pre-Conference Workshop? (1=poor/unacceptable, 5=amazing) Additional comments or feedback: Question Title * 7. Please list any other suggestions or provide any additional feedback so we can continue to offer quality Pre-Conference Workshops. Done