In our effort to support the expanding patient experience movement, Patient Experience Institute (PXI) is launching a comprehensive certification process to achieve formal designation as a Certified Patient Experience Professional (CPXP). As the movement grows, PXI seeks to include the voices of the community in standing for the value we believe having certified professionals brings to the overall healthcare conversation. We ask you review the statement below and if you so desire, sign by acknowledging yes and providing your contact information. Thank you for your support!

Question Title

Acknowledgement Statement
Certified Patient Experience Professional (CPXP)

As healthcare globally continues a rapid and intentional move to a value-based model, the importance of how value is created and supported becomes more essential than ever. This value is best recognized through quality, safety, and service encounters and the outcomes they provide. Ultimately, this is the patient and family experience, and encompasses a focus on person-centeredness and a commitment to engagement fundamental to healthcare today. In understanding everyone plays a role in ensuring the best experience for those in the healthcare system, there is also a recognized need for individuals with the knowledge and skills to lead both the strategic and operational focus this requires. In support of this we, the undersigned, acknowledge the important contribution Certified Patient Experience Professionals will have for healthcare organizations, their people and those they care for and serve.

By clicking "yes" below, I add my name to those in support of this statement and allow my name to be publicly added to the list of signees to be posted on the Patient Experience Institute website.

Question Title

Please provide your general contact information below.

Thank you for your interest in supporting the CPXP process!