What are your priorities for a better Europe?

Following the success of our ‘Cities4Europe – Europe for citizens’ campaign, EUROCITIES is keeping the dialogue on the future of Europe going by organising citizen consultations in 20 of our member cities.
Residents in the participating cities will debate different subjects and come up with three recommendations to build a better Europe.
After each consultation, we will open a poll, asking people from across Europe to vote for their top priority out of the three recommendations.
Once all 20 consultations have taken place, the final 20 recommendations will be put to your vote, and you will have the opportunity to select your top five priorities.
In March 2019, we will be presenting the outcome to European officials, as part of our 2nd mayors summit on the future of Europe.

Give a voice to your future! Follow the process through #cities4Europe @EUROCITIEStweet

Question Title

* 1. Lille citizens consultation, 5 November 2018, on air quality: Here are the three recommendations. Which is the most important for you?