(Public) Country Partnership Framework Consultations General Public Question Title * 1. Does it make sense to plan the work programme only until 2018-9? Yes, there is too much uncertainty after then. No, it is possible to plan for 4 years. Question Title * 2. What are the main risks to the World Bank Group's programme in Moldova? (up to 4 answers) political uncertainty World Bank Group performance and capacity macroeconomic risk Government resistance to reform public resistance to reform government performance and capacity weak donor coordination 2018 elections weather events corruption Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How can the World Bank Group best support gender equality? Question Title * 4. What analytical work should the World Bank Group carry out in 2017-9 (choose up to 4) Climate change: adaptation of transport infrastructure Cross-Nistru pilot projects for confidence-building Technical assistance for macroeconomic and fiscal management Technical assistance on regulating the financial sector Review of public finances Equity of public spending Livelihoods in poor areas of Moldova Productive and secure aging Climate change: how to encourage adaptation in agriculture Country Economic Review Migration causes and effects Investment climate advice Advice on public-private partnerships Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Should the World Bank Group offer budget support to Moldova, subject to conditions? Yes No Page1 / 3 33% of survey complete. Next