Registration Form

Welcome to the registration for the 2019 NZAC Continuing Professional Development Day to be held at Harbourside Function Venue on Taranaki Street Wharf, Wellington on Friday 2 August 2019.  Which starts at 8:15 am with registering.
Please note the following:
  • Once you start completing this form your entry is automatically saved.  We will receive notification of this even if you do not complete the full form.  Incomplete forms are treated as registrations and we will invoice you for attendance.  If you are unsure if you are definitely coming please do not go any further.  Please only complete this form if you are definitely attending.
  • The AGM will be held on Saturday 3 August 2019 at the same venue.  A separate registration for this will be available soon.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Details (items marked * are compulsory fields)

Question Title

* 2. I am: