The Cancer Programs are currently developing educational topics to submit for possible inclusion in the 2021 American College of Surgeons (ACS) Clinical Congress program. We invite you to volunteer to be a moderator (or nominate a moderator) and develop a topic from one of the categories below. Please provide a working title and program description along with the moderator name and contact information in the spaces provided below.
Important information:
  • Moderators must be a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • Each topic must be submitted individually
Please provide the following in the fields below:
  1. The group sponsor (ACS CRP, AJCC, CoC, NAPBC, NAPRC, or NCDB)
  2. Course Type (didactic, panel session, surgical skills course, etc)
  3. Moderator name, credentials, and contact information
  4. Topic/title of your submission 
  5. Program description up to 125 words 
  6. Preferred primary track for your submission
Submissions must be received by 4 pm central time Tuesday, December 31, 2019.

Thank you,
Cancer Programs Education Team

Question Title

* 2. Please provide YOUR information:

Question Title

* 3. Proposed moderator name and contact information:

Question Title

* 4. What is the TITLE of your proposal? (please be clear, short, and descriptive)

Question Title

* 5. Write a short paragraph that describes your proposal and briefly explain why this is important. (please be clear, descriptive, up to 125 words)

Question Title

* 6. Learning Objectives
Please provide at least 1

Question Title

* 7. Is this a clinical topic?

Question Title

* 8. Please select one category/topic/subtopic for your submission below:

Primary Category/Topic/Subtopic

Question Title

* 9. Please select one format type below for your proposed session.