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Peer Support sub committee Application
Peer Support subcommittee, Montana's Peer Network Board of Directors.
Thank you for your interest in serving on the Peer Support subcommittee, organized and regulated by Montana's Peer Network’s Board of Directors. The mission of MPN is to lead the expansion and development of recovery-oriented behavioral health services across Montana. The Peer Support subcommittee is the voice for advocacy and professionalism for the Certified Behavioral Health Peer Support Specialist workforce. Applications are received by the committee chairperson, reviewed, and referred to MPN’s Board of Directors for executive approval and committee vote authorization. The Board of Directors meets on the third Saturday of every month and must approve applications prior to authorizing a committee vote for service appointment. Membership on the subcommittee is determined by a majority quorum vote of existing committee members, followed by final MPN Board approval. The Chairperson, or committee designee, will communicate with applicants upon receipt of application and throughout the approval process. Applicants will be notified of acceptance or denial and details of committee appointment upon final Board of Directors approval.
Montana’s Peer Network is a 501c3 non-profit corporation. The purpose of the Peer Support subcommittee is to develop a statewide network of CBHPSS professionals who identify as being in stable recovery, are active in the workforce, and have a pulse on the advocacy and action needed for the CBHPSS workforce. This coalition will work to provide education, training, support and advocacy around workforce opportunities.
This is a voluntary position with no compensation. The Peer Support subcommittee can have up to 7 committee members, all of whom are demonstrated recovery leaders and CBHPSS license holders. Terms are one year in length and limited to four consecutive terms. Upon the expiration of a fourth consecutive term, members are eligible to reapply for committee appointment following a one-year term gap.
Subcommittee meeting information will be provided upon receipt of appointment applications. We strongly encourage attendance and active participation in committee meetings and communications during the application process to demonstrate interest and commitment to peer support efforts and activities.