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Please tell us what you think:

Cuddeback  School is interested in gathering feedback from parents and students on ways the district can improve services to students during this unprecedented time. Your suggestions will help develop the district's 2020-21 Learning Continuity & Attendance Plan. This is a plan that will direct COVID19-specific resources to school programs to benefit those students in need.
Your input is greatly appreciated. 

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* 1. Please tell us your name. Some of the following questions will ask specific information about your student(s) and this will allow us to be more accurate in planning.

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* 2. What grade is your student(s) currently in? (If you have multiple children attending, please mark all grades that apply.)

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* 3. Cuddeback School began the year in Distance Learning with the hope of returning to regular in-person learning when it is safe to do so. If the school allowed in-person classes to start up now with added safety precautions (masks, distancing, sanitizing, etc.), would your child attend in-person or continue with distance learning?

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* 4. Please tell us any ideas you have on how we could improve in-person learning at Cuddeback.

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* 5. Please tell us any ideas you have on how we could improve distance learning  at Cuddeback.

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* 6. Please tell us which of the following school programs your child would normally participate in, if any. (Check all that apply)

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* 7. Do you have any ideas on how to provide improved support for students with identified learning gaps due to the COVID pandemic?

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* 8. This is a challenging time to be a student (or parent). How would you rate your child's overall emotional and mental health?
If you have concerns about your child's emotional /mental health, please utilize the support of our school counselor by contacting the school or connecting with her via the school website.

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* 9. Please tell us any ideas you have on how we could improve emotional/mental health support  for students at Cuddeback.

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* 10. School engagement is a strength for Cuddeback School. During the pandemic and distance learning, we are looking for ways to keep students and families connected to Cuddeback. Please share any ideas you have on how to improve student engagement during distance learning.

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* 11. How can Cuddeback School improve access to internet connectivity and devices for students in distance learning?

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* 12. Does your child utilize the school cafeteria meal service for lunch and/or breakfast?
(Available daily, call school by 9am to order)

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* 13. Please share any ideas you have on how we could improve meal service  for students at Cuddeback.

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* 14. Please tell us of any other concerns or questions you have about  the Cuddeback 2020-21 school year.

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