Part 1 - Volunteer information 義工資料

Thank you very much for your interest of HSBC x JA Company Programme - Financial Capability Workshop!

The JA Financial Capability Workshop aims to equip Form 3 to Form 6 students with basic financial skill sets and mindsets that are essential for their financial wellness over the long term.
As a Business Volunteer, you will:
• Support a group of 6-8 students to acquire the basic financial skillset and mindset through games and discussion
• Share your life and work experience with students

Workshop Details:
Date: 21 Oct 2023 (Sat)
Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm (Please arrive at 1:45pm for registration)

Venue: Grand Hall, 1/F, Building 12W, Science Park Phase 3, Shatin
Language: Cantonese/English
Need help?
Tel.: +(852) 3426-3147

Question Title

* 1. Sal 稱呼

Question Title

* 2. English Surname 英文姓氏

Question Title

* 3. English First Name 英文名字

Question Title

* 4. Chinese Surname 中文姓氏

Question Title

* 5. Chinese First Name 中文名字

Question Title

* 6. Nickname 昵稱

Question Title

* 7. Gender 性別

Question Title

* 8. Language 語言

Question Title

* 9. Education Level 教育程度

Question Title

* 10. Employment Status 就業狀況

Question Title

* 11. Current company 任職公司 / Organisation 機構

Question Title

* 12. Job Title 職位名稱

Question Title

* 13. Years of Working Experience 工作年資

Question Title

* 14. Contact Number 聯絡電話

Question Title

* 15. Email Address 電郵地址
(Your personal email address is preferable as JA Hong Kong email may be received as spam at company email address

Question Title

* 16. My LinkedIn profile link  我的LinkedIn連結
(If any 如有)

Question Title

* 17. Expertise 專業知識
(You may select more than one 可選多於一個)

Question Title

* 18. Have you ever joined any JA programs before? 你過往曾參與JA課程嗎?