Thanks for completing this short survey, which helps us find out what's useful and interesting to you, so that we can develop courses and resources that hit the spot well. We respect the confidentiality of your responses, and use them to guide our course planning and delivery.

Best wishes


Chris Johnstone

Question Title

* 1. Is your interest in wellbeing for personal use, for your work, or both, or for other reasons (if so, please tell us what sort of things)? Please tick any that apply.

Question Title

* 2. How interested are you in the following areas of wellbeing - please rate on a 1 to 5 scale, where 1 is not at all interested, 2 is a little interested, 3 is fairly interested, 4 is very interested and 5 is extremely interested.

  1 - not at all interested 2 - a little interested 3 - fairly interested 4 - very interested 5 - extremely interested
emotional wellbeing
physical wellbeing
relationship wellbeing
wellbeing at work
community wellbeing
planetary wellbeing
scientific research about wellbeing
wellbeing practices
coaching for wellbeing
wellbeing economics

Question Title

* 3. Are there topics related to resilience and wellbeing that you'd really like to find out more about? If so, please let us know.

Question Title

* 4. If a course, or information in our newsletter, could help you address a particular challenge or difficulty in your personal or professional life, what would you like it to help you with?

Question Title

* 5. If a course, or information in our newsletter, could help you make progress in a particular area, what would you like it to help you do or be able to do?

Question Title

* 6. How important is it for you for courses to be accredited for professional development? (1 to 5 rating scale where 1 star - not at all important, 5 stars extremely important)

Question Title

* 7. If you've taken any of our courses before, what did you like about them, and what could be improved? 

Question Title

* 8. What type of courses, in terms of how they're delivered, do you prefer (please rate on a 1 to 5 scale)

  1 - don't like 2 - like a little 3 - fairly happy with 4 - like a lot 5 - love this
video-based courses you can do at your own pace
live webinar based courses that run with a group of other people for a number of weeks at particular times
hybrid courses that combine video-based learning with live webinars
hybrid courses that combine video-based learning with one to one mentoring or coaching
learning and mentoring in small online groups

Question Title

* 9. Any other comments, suggestions or feedback you'd like to offer?

Thank you for taking the time to do this.