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New Jersey arts administrators of color COVID-19 Survey

In order for us to get a better idea of how COVID-19 is impacting New Jersey arts and culture administrators of color, please complete this brief survey. We know you may not have all of the specific data at this time, but we ask you to please give estimates to the questions to let us know what impact has been made as of today. We will share an overview of results with the field, the funding community, and members of the legislature in an effort to advocate for our network members.

We thank you for taking your valuable time and ask you to please complete the survey by Monday, April 20, 2020.

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* 1. Job Title

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* 2. What are your preferred pronouns? (Check all that apply)

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* 3. OPTIONAL: Which of the following best describe your ethnicity? (Select all that apply)

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* 4. Residential Location

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* 5. Are you a free-lance consultant or self-employeed?

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* 6. Do you currently work/have recently worked at a New Jersey arts organization? (Since March 1, 2020)

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* 7. Has your organization canceled any events or programming due to the concern of COVID-19?

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* 8. Is your organization allowing employees to work remotely from home?

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* 9. What is the impact on the staff of your organization as a result of your organization responding to COVID-19?

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* 10. OPTIONAL: How have you personally been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic? (Layoff, furlough, limited hours, sickness, etc.) Please know the NJAAC committee will share finding from this question as an anonymous response.

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* 11. Please project the amount of income you personally have lost/ will lose from your expected art-based income if the COVID-19 related shutdown continues for 60 days. (Please estimate total amount of salary loss, stipends, honorariums ,shows, gigs, classes, sales, etc.) (Ex: $2,500)

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* 12. Approximately what percentage of your overall income for that period does this loss represent? Check one.

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* 13. How can this network and its founding partners be of assistance to you during this time? (Check all that apply)

Thank you for your responses. For questions or concerns regarding this survey, please contact Deonte Griffin-Quick at
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