Consumer Survey

It's an understatement to say that things in our health system have changed during COVID-19. For example, Telehealth implementation has soared with the introduction of a Medicare Number for GPs, and also for outpatient appointments. Visitor numbers were restricted, although these restrictions have eased now.

We invite you in this survey to reflect on these questions in relation to changes in our health services -
What STARTED during COVID that we want to KEEP ON GOING?
What STARTED during COVID that we want to STOP?
What STOPPED during COVID that we want to RE-START?
What other ideas have been prompted for you during COVID about how health services could be improved as we move forward?

Your responses to this survey will be collated and presented at the next Clinical Senate gathering. For those of you not familiar with the Clinical Senate is a forum for clinicians to debate complex and wide ranging issues across the whole health system. 

You can check out previous Clinical Senate Debates here

We look forward to your responses.

Pip Brennan
Executive Director, Health Consumers' Council

Question Title

* 1. What did health services START doing during COVID-19 that we want them to KEEP on doing?

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* 2. What did health services START doing during COVID-19 that we want them to STOP?

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* 3. What did health services STOP doing during COVID-19 that we want to START again?

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* 4. What did health services STOP doing during COVID-19 that we want them to NEVER DO AGAIN

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* 5. What other ideas have been prompted for you during COVID about how health services could be improved as we move forward?

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* 6. Any other comments?

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* 7. About you -what is your current role?