Thank you for helping us collect early childhood funders' COVID-19 response activities. If you have questions or concerns, please email Sweta Alberta at 

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* 1. Please provide your contact information.

Adjustments to Existing Grants
Please complete the information below about changes you've made for existing grantees and funding agreements.

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* 2. Are you making any of the following adjustments for existing grantees?

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* 3. If you do not have any new grants or funds to report, please click the button below and click "Next" at the bottom of this page to skip to the end of survey.

New COVID-19 Response Work
Please fill out the information below about your grant or response fund. If you support more than one grant or fund for COVID-19 response, please select "yes" on the last question on this page and then click "Next". Otherwise, please click "no" and then "Next".

You will need to complete a new page for each grant/grantee.

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* 5. What is the purpose of your grant/response fund? What is it intended to do?

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* 6. What is the name of your grantee organization?

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* 7. What is the geographic scope of the COVID-19 response work you are funding?

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* 8. How much have you funded to this grantee or response fund? Please share dollar amounts, and be assured that this information will only be accessible to ECFC members.

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* 9. Are other donors partnering with you for this grant or response fund?

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* 10. How much have your partnering donors contributed? 

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* 11. Do you have additional grants/grantee information to share?