Thank you for taking this short, five-question survey about CorHealth Ontario’s new e-newsletter, CorHealth Quarterly. Unless you provide us with your contact information below, your responses are anonymous. We appreciate your input.

Question Title

* 1. I found the information in this issue of CorHealth Quarterly useful.

Question Title

* 2. We want to make sure the stories we include in future issues resonate with you. Please indicate how interesting you found each of the stories you read.

  Very interesting Interesting  Somewhat interesting Not interesting I didn't read this story.
This is So Much More Than a Newsletter
What does CorHealth Ontario do?
The Quest for Quality Data and Information
June is Stroke Month
Getting Ontarians the Vascular Care They Need Faster and Closer to Home
Redesign of Our Advisory and Working Group Structure
Regional Reviews: Understanding Our Clinical Landscape
Rehabilitation Call-to-Action
Resources for Healthcare Professionals: ICD Deactivation Guides

Question Title

* 3. In future issues of CorHealth Quarterly, I would like more…
(Check all that apply.)

Question Title

* 4. We intend to distribute this e-newsletter quarterly, or every 3 months. How do you feel about the frequency?

Question Title

* 5. Please give us any additional thoughts on this or future issues of CorHealth Quarterly. If you would like a follow up from a member of the CorHealth Ontario team, please leave your name and e-mail address.