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* 1. Please input your personal details below.

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* 2. There are 11 total criterion in the Substance Use Disorder section of the DSM-5.

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* 3. IC&RC defines assessment as “those procedures by which a counselor/program identifies and evaluates an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, problems, and needs for the development of the treatment plan.

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* 4. The first stage in the Stages of Change cycle is contemplation.

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* 5. How many symptoms must a person present with to receive a Mild Severity Marker in the DSM-5?

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* 6. Assessment is completed once and if done properly, never repeated during a client’s treatment.

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* 7. What are the 6 dimensional criteria developed by ASAM? (Check off all six)

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* 8. The treatment of addiction should always begin with inpatient care.

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* 9. Relapse is a common stage of occurrence and should never be seen as failure.

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* 10. There is no need to be culturally competent in working within the assessment because addiction affects everyone the same.

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* 11. The assessment helps to create the treatment plan.