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Survey Deadline:  December 11, 2020

The Washington Township (WT) School Board approved a 5-year District Strategic Plan this past summer.  The Plan outlines four Priority areas. Details on each of those areas can be found in the Plan. This survey specifically addresses Priority Area #1 which is Equitable Achievement.

Priority 1 - Equitable Achievement:  Provide an equitable educational environment that inspires and empowers all students to increase their academic success as well as their social and emotional learning skills.

Goal 1A: Maintain or increase graduation rate for all subgroups.

Goal 1B: Decrease behavior disruptive to learning as measured by office referrals in the areas of continuous class disruption, disrespect, and refusal to comply.

Goal 1C: Improve the academic achievement for all subgroups as measured by NWEA proficiency

Goal 1D: Improve the academic achievement for all subgroups as measured by Ilearn and college and career readiness (or state standardized test/measure)

Based on this priority area and strategic plan goals, please give us your feedback on the following areas so we can create a collective vision for teaching & learning in WT Schools.


Question Title

* 2. Please rank the following focus areas from most important to least important when considering what our students need to meet the achievement goals outlined in the District Strategic Plan. These areas denote focus BEYOND the required state standards for each grade level.  It may be difficult, but a forced ranking will give us insight into priority focus areas for future planning.  (Rank each with a number, 1 being most important and 5 being least important)

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* 3. The following are statements that make up our vision for what students should be able to accomplish after experiencing teaching and learning in our schools. Please check the areas with which you agree should remain in our vision for students. (Please check all that apply).

"WT Students Will......"

Question Title

* 4. From the list above, what additional expectations do you suggest we add to our vision for what students will be able to do after experiencing teaching and learning in Washington Township?

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* 5. The following are statements that make up our vision for the teaching and learning process in WT. These are IN ADDITION to the required state standards at each grade level. Please check the areas with which you agree should remain in our vision for the teaching and learning process. (Please check all that apply).

“WT teaching & learning process will include….”

Question Title

* 6. From the list above, what additional expectations do you suggest we add to our vision for the teaching & learning process?

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