USA Department of Family Medicine

Welcome to USA Family Medicine's Open Line. Here you can do many things that remain important our department's ongoing effort to develop a more positive and shared work culture.
It is important to share our thoughts and ideas about the work we are doing, ways in which we can strengthen teams, be better team members, and also acknowledge others for the extraordinary things we see in their daily work. Use this online tool to acknowledge a colleague for the good things they are doing. Please include details and briefly describe why you feel they deserve recognition. 
You may also use this online tool to present an idea that will imporve the quality or patient safety in our department or clinic. No idea is ever a bad idea so please feel inclined to share observations about work flow, share ideas about tools or resources that you feel could make your work more efficient. If you have concerns, please feel free to send them in anonymously here. Do realize that if you express a concern, and you want a direct resolution, you will need to include your name. 
Thanks for stopping in and we hope this tool is useful to you and leads us all to improving our work culture, and most importantly helps us all realize the most important reason we all work here together is to do great things for our patients in Family Medicine and at USA Health. 

Question Title

* 2. Please provide details regarding this Open Line session.
If you are acknowledging a colleague for doing good work, please be sure to include their name. If you are here to share and idea or concern, please be sure to provide information and details.

Question Title

* 3. If you wish to be contacted about the acknowledgment you've given to a colleague, or if you need to be contacted about your idea or concern, please be sure to identify yourself in the fields below.