CNCF Maintainers Survey 2024 H1


The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) is regularly surveying the project maintainers to check levels of satisfaction and how the foundation can help more.

This is the regular CNCF Maintainers Survey, H1 2024 edition, and should take no more than a few minutes of your time.

We will open source the survey results later removing all PII (identifying) information:

We have changed these questions to provide more direct feedback, and we are happy to hear your comments!

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* 1. Name (This will be deleted from published survey data)

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* 2. My employer is (select one):

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* 3. Which CNCF Project(s) are you currently maintaining?

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* 4. Do you participate in a Technical Advisory Group?

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* 5. Do you interact with or engage with other CNCF projects outside of the ones you maintain? Which ones?

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* 6. Would you recommend CNCF to other open source projects, and why?

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* 7. Are you satisfied with the overall support your project receives from CNCF (e.g., marketing, budget, scholarships, events etc)

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* 8. Are you satisfied with the support your project received at live CNCF Events (e.g., Project Pavilion, Co-Located events, Maintainer Talks)

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* 9. Did you feel that the CNCF staff responded quickly to your requests?

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* 10. Do you have a good understanding of the resources and programs available to you (i.e., CNCF ServiceDesk)?

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* 11. Do you have a good understanding of the Technical Oversight Committee and Technical Advisory Groups and know how to engage with them?

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* 12. Do you find the metrics provided by the CNCF (DevStats, CloMonitor, Project Health) valuable for the needs of your project?

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* 13. Did you feel that the Technical Oversight Committee responded quickly to your requests?

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* 14. What project benefits are you satisfied the most with?

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* 15. If you have applied to move levels, did the process for moving levels match your expectations? Why or why not? If you haven’t applied, why not?

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* 16. How do you feel about the current requests and requirements of projects moving levels or after graduation?

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* 17. What services do you wish the CNCF provided that it doesn't currently?

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* 18. Any other feedback that you wish to share, from what CNCF can do more or what we should do less?

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* 19. Your email (If you’d like us to reach out, this will be deleted from published survey data)