Question Title

* 1. This survey asks for your opinions about your child's school. It uses a five-point scale, with 1 meaning you "don't agree at all" with the sentence and 5 meaning you "agree completely." Click on number for each sentence. (Mark "0" if you don't know or do not have an opinion.) There is no right answer. Please respond honestly. Your marks will be kept private and will be used in our school improvement planning.

  0 No Opinion 1 Strongly Disagree 2 Disagree 3 Not Sure 4 Agree 5 Strongly Agree
1. This school provides a safe environment for my child.
2. Staff members care about my child.
3. I feel welcome at my child's school.
4. My child enjoys coming to school.
5. This school meets my expectations for my child's education.
6. This school meets the individual needs of my child.
7. This school promotes genuine enthusiasm for learning.
8. Learning is clearly the main focus at my child's school.
9. My child is assigned an appropriate amount of useful and relevant homework.
10. My child receives instruction at the appropriate level of challenge.
11. I am satisfied with the instruction my child receives.
12.There is effective two-way communication between home and school.
13. I am well-informed about my child’s progress and/or test scores.
14. Report cards and rubrics are easy to understand.
15. I am satisfied with the communication when my child has a problem.
16. Discipline procedures are fair, consistent, and timely.
17. Teachers/administrators promote citizenship and provide opportunities for students to reflect on choices made.
18. Behavior concerns are appropriately individualized for student choices.
19. Parent involvement is promoted at my child's school.
20. Murphy seeks ideas and opinions from parents.

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* 2. What is the best way to communicate with you and/or your family?

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* 3. What can we do to improve our school or to assist you and your family?

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* 4. If a staff member has provided excellent customer service to you and your child, please give his/her name and describe the service provided.