CMH-17 Tutorial Feedback Survey - Spring 2024

Thank you for attending one of the CMH-17 Tutorials!

Please complete the form below and provide any feedback so we can continue to provide the best experience possible.

If you have any additional questions, please email the Secretariat at

Questions below are not required to be answered. Skip the questions if you do not have any comments to add.
1.What is your first name?
2.What is your last name?
3.What is your email address?
4.Which Tutorial did you attend?(Required.)
5.Overall, how would you rate the course?
Please rate the following areas:
6.Overall content
7.Organization and scope of content
8.Are there additional topics that you would like to see covered?
9.Are there topics that should be excluded?
10.How was the quality of presentations?
11.How was the Schedule/Length?
12.Was there something that specifically stood out that you liked or disliked about the course? (skip if no)
13.Would you recommend the Tutorial to others if offered again in the future?
14.Other Comments or Suggestions for Future Tutorial Content and Format
Current Progress,
0 of 14 answered