Expectations During an Observation/Job Shadow Experience

1. If you have been exposed to or exhibit symptoms of the following you will need to reschedule your observation time: cold, cough, sore throat, runny nose, fever, flu, chicken pox, rash, diarrhea, vomiting, or any other contagious disease. 
2. Appropriate attire:   Please dress appropriately, yet comfortably during your time with us. Dress in business casual clothing with closed toe shoes and socks. Tank tops, shorts, revealing clothing, scrubs, sweatpants, hats or offensive logo items are not permitted. Limit your perfume, cologne and after shave lotion; these fragrances are often offensive to someone who is sick. 
3. If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment to observe, please be sure to notify Student Coordinator, Tara Sanchez at 208-298-3096.
4. Emergency Codes are routinely announced overhead. The staff member facilitating your observation will provide guidance and instruction should an emergency code occur while you are observing. 
5. Following Infection Prevention guidelines is critical and we each play a role in keeping our health care environment safe by washing our hands frequently and thoroughly. Use antimicrobial soap and rub your hands together for at least 15 seconds. There are also antimicrobial waterless hand cleaner stations at various locations throughout the Medical Center for your use when washing your hands is sometimes just not an option. 
6. Confidentiality/HIPAA
  •  All patient information is confidential and you must not share it outside the department.
  • Photographs and video recordings are strictly prohibited. 
  • Should you be observing in a clinical situation and encounter a patient, the patient must verbally consent to your presence (standard procedure). 
  • In certain areas and/or situations, you may be asked to "step out" due to the sensitive nature of the work. 
  • Do not ask patients, families or staff for information related to patient conditions, family or other personal situations. 
  • If a patient discloses information to you that is of importance or concern, relay it to a CMG staff member as soon as possible. 
  • Be aware of your conversations in public spaces (i.e. elevators, lobby, hallways)
8. During your observation, your cell phone should be silenced and all calls should be limited to emergencies. Some departments may require that all cell phones are turned off.  
Student Coordinator
Kary Lockart

Question Title

* 1. Who is completing this request?

Question Title

* 2. Applicant Information

Question Title

* 3. Emergency Contact 

Question Title

* 4. School/college or job you are presently attending

Question Title

* 5. What time frame or dates are you looking to observe?


Question Title

* 6. How many hours do you wish to observe?

Question Title

* 7. What days are you available?

Question Title

* 8. Are you receiving classroom credit?

Question Title

* 9. What department and/or interests are you requesting to observe?

Question Title

* 10. If this is for research or a classroom project, what is your topic?

Question Title

* 11. Would you agree to a background check should one be requested?

Question Title

* 12. Statement: I agree to abide by the rules, regulations, and policies of CMG/VMC, and will conduct myself professionally and with integrity. I will maintain strict confidentiality re: patient and family information. 

Question Title

* 13. If under 18 Parental/Guardian Consent is required:
My child, named above, has my permission and support to observe/job shadow at CMG/VMC.