All three of these issues can be made better by reducing traffic congestion.  Here's how.  Traffic is a primary source of climate-changing greenhouse gases (GHG) as well as other air pollutants that threaten child health.  And congested traffic generates the most air pollution.  Congestion also prompts drivers to use neighborhood streets as bypass routes.  The neighborhood streets with the highest pedestrian-cyclist injury rates are those with excessive cut-thru traffic.  Fortunately, measures that reduce congestion also reduce auto pollution and make our neighborhood streets safer.  This survey will allow you to assess the degree to which your neighborhood benefits from these measures.  It is our hope that you'll urge your neighbors to provide our elected officials with the public support needed to make greater uses of street safety/pollution reduction measures.  To learn more visit:  Please feel free to invite others to take this survey.

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* 1. Please provide your contact information so we can update you on our progress towards safer neighborhood streets and cleaner air.

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* 2. Is there a bus or other transit stop within a 10-minute walk of your home?

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* 3. At rush-hour does it usually take more than one green cycle to get through nearby signalized intersections?  If yes then the intersection is congested making climate change, child heath and neighborhood safety worse.

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* 4. Can you safely walk and bicycle along your neighborhood street?

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* 5. Is the posted speed limit on your neighborhood street 25 mph or less?  A child struck at 35 mph is far more likely to die than at 25 mph.

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* 6. Do most of those driving on your street obey the speed limit?

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* 7. Does your neighborhood street benefit from speed humps or other traffic calming measures?

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* 8. Can children safely walk to school from your neighborhood?

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* 9. Has a pedestrian or cyclist ever been injured by a automobile on your neighborhood streets?

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* 10. How would you rate the overall safety of your neighborhood streets with regard to traffic?

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* 11. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your neighborhood streets?