Question Title

* 1. What is the name of your school?

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* 2. What grade are you in?

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* 3. How many years have you participated in the CLF program?

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* 4. Think back to BEFORE you started the program. Please rate these items based on your skill level BEFORE the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I listened carefully and open-heartedly to the views and ideas of others
I was able to help organize an event and motivate others to participate in it
I was able to be compassionate and take action to support my family and friends when they were having a hard time
I was able to lead a team or group activity
I spoke up publicly to contribute to getting things done well

Question Title

* 5. Please rate your skills now, AFTER the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I listen carefully and open-heartedly to the views and ideas of others
I can help to organize an event and motivate others to participate in it
I can be compassionate and take action to support my family and friends when they're having a hard time
I can lead a team or group activity
I speak up publicly to contribute to getting things done well

Question Title

* 6. Think back to BEFORE you started the program. Please rate these items based on your skill level BEFORE the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I made sure my work was done on time and helpful to the group
I was able to speak constructively, even when I was disagreeing with or criticizing someone's ideas
I did my share of the work, even when it was difficult, boring, or repetitive
I treated people with respect, honesty, and decency, even when I disliked or disagreed with them
I was able to form relationships with my co-workers that helped us get our work done right

Question Title

* 7. Please rate your skills now, AFTER the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I make sure my work is done on time and helpful to the group
I speak constructively, even when I am disagreeing with or criticizing someone's ideas
I do my share of the work, even when it's difficult, boring, or repetitive
I treat people with respect, honesty, and decency, even when I dislike or disagree with them
I can form relationships with my co-workers that help us get the work done right

Question Title

* 8. Think back to BEFORE the program. Please rate these items based on your skill level BEFORE the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I was able to work on a problem for a long time, even when I was confused, frustrated, or bored
I was able to find useful resources and information about a problem
I was able to think creatively or outside the box about ideas for solving problems
I saw problems as opportunities to learn
I was able to use what I've learned about how to solve problems to solve new problems

Question Title

* 9. Please rate your skills now, AFTER the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I can work on a problem for a long time, even when I am confused, frustrated, or bored
I can find useful resources and information about a problem
I can think creatively or outside the box about ideas for solving problems
I see problems as opportunities to learn
I can use what I've learned about how to solve problems to solve new problems

Question Title

* 10. Think back to BEFORE you started the program. Please rate these items based on your skill level BEFORE the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I was able to manage my time so I got things done on time
I was able to control my emotions so I can control my behavior more effectively
I was able to keep track of how I was doing so I knew when to review, when to get help, and when to go ahead
I was able to use failure and criticism as an opportunity to learn rather than making excuses
I was accountable so people could depend on me to do what I said I would do
I was able to set goals that motivated me to succeed and made plans for achieving them
I was able to take care of my health and deal with stress

Question Title

* 11. Please rate your skills now, AFTER the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I can manage my time so I get things done on time
I can control my emotions so I can control my behavior more effectively
I can keep track of how I'm doing so I know when to review, when to get help, and when to go ahead
I can use failure and criticism as an opportunity to learn rather than making excuses
I am accountable so people can depend on me to do what I say I will do
I can set goals that motivate me to succeed and make plans for achieving them
I can take care of my health and deal with stress

Question Title

* 12. Think back to BEFORE you started the program. Please rate these items based on your skill level BEFORE the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I stayed informed about what my community needs to be a better place to live, learn, work, and play
I helped people in my community
I set a positive example for younger members of my community to follow
I participated in the public life of my community by doing any of these: working, paying taxes, voting, listening to political debates, attending rallies, protesting against injustice, and so on.

Question Title

* 13. Please rate your skills now, AFTER the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I stay informed about what my community needs to be a better place to live, learn, work, and play
I help people in my community
I set a positive example for younger members of my community to follow
I participate in the public life of my community by doing any of these: working, paying taxes, voting, listening to political debates, attending rallies, protesting against injustice, and so on.

Question Title

* 14. Think back to BEFORE you started the program. Please rate these items based on your skill level BEFORE the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I managed my anger so I did't get into physical fights
I talked with people about a problem rather than fighting with them
I listened to what people were saying and heard how people were feeling
I respectfully acknowledged what people were saying, without blaming or name-calling
I was willing to compromise to resolve conflicts
I was willing to forgive and move forward

Question Title

* 15. Please rate your skills now, AFTER the program.

  Little or No Skill Below Average Average Above Average Excellent
I manage my anger so I don't get into physical fights
I talk with people about a problem rather than fighting with them
I listen to what people are saying and hear how people are feeling
I respectfully acknowledge what people are saying, without blaming or name-calling
I am willing to compromise to resolve conflicts
I am willing to forgive and move forward

Question Title

* 16. In the 12 months BEFORE you started the program, how many times did you:

  Zero Once Twice Three times Four or more times
Get into an argument in which you raised your voice in anger
Get into a physical fight
Say something that made it more difficult to resolve a conflict

Question Title

* 17. Since you started the program, how many times have you:

  Zero Once Twice Three times Four or more times
Gotten into an argument in which you raised your voice in anger
Gotten into a physical fight
Said something that made it more difficult to resolve a conflict

Question Title

* 18. Please rate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following: By participating in this program, I improved my ability to

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Control my emotions
Solve problems
Contribute to making my community a better place to live
Work effectively with other people
Deal with trouble and resolve conflicts peacefully
Step up and lead when I can contribute useful knowledge and skills to a group

Question Title

* 19. Please tell us a story about something important and interesting that happened during the program and that changed you and/or your classmates. Imagine that you are telling this story to someone who knows nothing about the program. How did you or your classmates change? What caused this change? Was it positive or negative? Why?

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* 20. Any other comments you'd like to make?