Job shadow interest form

Thank you for your interest in providing a job shadow(s) to our high school and college participants!

In general, the format of the experience is up to you and your team. For example, some individuals have given a tour and an overview, introduced participants to other interns and young professionals, or allowed them to sit in on meetings.  Job shadows are typically a half day (3 hours) or a full day (6 hours); however, we will likely be able to accommodate your schedule. 

Please note that filling out this form indicates your interest only and is not a commitment.  We will use the information provided to contact you when we are seeking job shadow opportunities for our participants. 

Question Title

* 1. First name:

Question Title

* 2. Last name:

Question Title

* 3. Current job title:

Question Title

* 4. Current employer: 

Question Title

* 5. Business email:

Question Title

* 6. Preferred email:

Question Title

* 7. Office phone:

Question Title

* 8. Cell phone: 

Question Title

* 9. Office address (street, city, zip):

Question Title

* 10. Please provide a brief description of your current job.

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* 11. Please select which group(s) you would be willing to provide with a job shadow (check all that apply):

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* 12. Are there other interests or criteria you would like us to consider when pairing you with a job shadow candidate?