Austin Community College
Diagnostic Medical Imaging-Radiology
Exit Survey, Class of 2018

The purpose of this survey is to obtain some feedback from you regarding your experiences in the Radiologic Technology Program during the two years you have been here:   2016 – 2018.  Please note that this information will be used to make changes where indicated and to ensure that the program will be in continuous improvement.

In about a year, we will send you a “graduate” survey to obtain some information from you after you have been in the workforce for at least a year.  We value your input and ask that you please take the time to complete these surveys because they are invaluable to the program by identifying areas that need improvement or change.  This particular survey will ask you questions about your experiences in the program courses and in particular, RADR 2335.   In behalf of the Program Faculty, I thank each and every one of you for your contributions and hard work during the last two years.
During your time as a student enrolled in the program, do you feel that you have received support from the faculty in the following areas:

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* 1. Do the faculty respond in a timely fashion to any questions you have asked via email?

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* 2. In your experience, were questions pertaining to the course materials or subject matter addressed satisfactorily?

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* 3. Was the quality of the faculty response to any questions you may have asked verbally adequate and professional?

As a student in the Radiology Program, do you feel the faculty and course information provided you with the necessary subject matter and tools needed to be successful?

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* 4. Were course materials received or posted online in a timely fashion?

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* 5. Is the information provided consistent from course to course? i.e. assignments, quizzes, objectives, sample calculations?

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* 6. Is timely feedback received on exams, quizzes, and assignments?

In reference to the Hybrid-Classroom format for each of the following didactic courses: Principles of Imaging 1 & 2, Introduction to Radiography and Patient Care, Sectional Anatomy for Medical Imaging, Radiographic Pathology, Advanced Medical Imaging, Radiographic Equipment, and Radiation Protection, please respond to the following questions:

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* 7. Do you prefer a single instructor or the team-teaching approach?

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* 8. Was the quality of the instruction using the Hybrid-Classroom format satisfactory?

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* 9. The use of technology in the classroom (power point, video, and viewing radiographic images) was satisfactory.

Class Activities and Assignments

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* 10. All of the professors explain the concepts and other related information effectively.

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* 11. The professors responded to questions relevant to the course or topic content satisfactorily.

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* 12. The general assignments or homework supported the course content and objectives for each unit of instruction.

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* 13. The professor's lectures or presentations were organized satisfactorily.

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* 14. The professors were available during office hours or made arrangements to meet with you when needed.

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* 15. The professor explained concepts and other related information effectively.

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* 16. The professor responded to questions in class in a way that explained the concept satisfactorily.

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* 17. The exams and assignments were related to the content of the unit of instruction.

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* 18. There was timely feedback on graded exams, assignments, and other course requirements.

Lab Activities for Basic and Advanced Procedures

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* 19. The professor in my Procedures Lab provided individual instruction or lab practice when requested.

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* 20. The professor evaluated my performance in the lab based on the learning objectives.

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* 21. The professor provided adequate instruction and demonstrated the procedures during my lab section.

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* 22. When the Lab Challenges were performed, the professor followed the unit objectives for the procedures being evaluated.

Overall Climate in the Program

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* 23. The professors provided opportunities for students to participate in class and ask questions.

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* 24. The professors were available during scheduled office hours.

Evaluation of RADR 2335-Radiologic Technology Seminar
Note: This is considered the Capstone Course of the Program, indicating that the course serves as a culminating academic experience where the program faculty review the entire curriculum of the program in order to facilitate and enhance your preparation for the ARRT credentialing examination. Your view and opinion on this particular course are important to the program so that we can make improvements and revisions where necessary.

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* 25. The professor provided either a hard copy or an electronic copy of the syllabus on BlackBoard.

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* 26. The professors discussed the syllabus and expectations during the first week of class.

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* 27. The course policies and grading criteria were stated in the syllabus.

Evaluation of RADR 2335-Radiologic Technology Seminar Continued

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* 28. The course policies and objectives were stated in the syllabus.

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* 29. The grading policy was stated in the course syllabus.

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* 30. Any course assignments or class activities were accessible in BlackBoard.

Course Materials, Quizzes, Exams, and Other Assignments

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* 31. The professors explained or reviewed concepts and other related information satisfactorily.

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* 32. The professors were responsive to questions that were relevant to the course content.

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* 33. The professors used examples, concepts, ideas, and explanations when reviewing the professional curriculum.

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* 34. The course activities, lab projects, and presentations were well organized.

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* 35. The quizzes and exams were "keyed" to the general objectives of the subject matter.

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* 36. The feedback for quizzes and exams was timely.

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* 37. I was able to meet with the professors when I needed clarification or assistance with the course materials.

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* 38. The text "Lange Q & A Radiography Examination"  was relevant and supplementary to the course. 

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* 39. The text was readable and understandable.

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* 40. Computer programs and software were available to review specific areas of the curriculum.

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* 41. Do you feel the course prepared you for the Final Comprehensive Examination for this course?

General Program Information Questions 

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* 42. I was able to check my email on a daily basis.

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* 43. I had internet service at home.

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* 44. Did you find the information on BlackBoard helpful for your studies?

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* 45. Did you find the Hybrid-Classroom format for the courses that use this method to be helpful to your studies?

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* 46. Did you feel that some of the concepts in the Hybrid-Classroom courses were difficult to master?

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* 47. Did you find the review exercises and assignments that were available online to be helpful to you?

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* 48. Was computer accessibility an issue in your ability to engage in online courses and learning?

General Questions 

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* 49. What did you like most about the Program?

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* 50. What did you like least about the Program?

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* 51. What would you suggest to improve the Program?