How is the existing ASES financing impacting your programs and students?

Why this matters: While the costs, demands, and expectations of after school programs have been consistently increasing since the passage of Proposition 49, the funding for these programs has remained stagnant. Specifically, since 2006 the California consumer performance index (CPI) has increased by more than 17% and the state minimum wage was raised to $9/hr, and will soon be raised to $10—while the daily rate of $7.50 per day/per student for programs has not increased.

Currently, few educators and policymakers outside of the expanded learning field recognize the immense pressure these programs are under. We need your input to help them better understand why increasing the daily rate is so important to the quality and access of these programs for students.

This survey will take you less than 5 minutes and is critical to build support for increasing the ASES daily rate. Please complete this survey no later than Friday, February 27, 2015. The more responses the better, so please share the link to this survey with your networks and other ASES programs.