Scott A. Humphreys, MD - Being A Physician: The top 10 things you wish you had known

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* 2. Please evaluate this presentation by selecting the option that best describes your rating  (1 poor, to 5 excellent):

  1 (Poor) 2 3 (Good) 4 5 (Excellent)
Overall, how would you rate this educational activity?
Do you feel the activity was scientifically sound, evidence-based; objectives were met, and balanced?
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Educational Format was conducive to learning?
How knowledgeable in the areas covered was the presenter?
Did the presenter communicate clearly and efficiently?

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* 3. Please evaluate this presentation by selecting the option that best describes your rating  (1 not likely, to 5 highly likely):

  1 (Not Likely) 2 3 4 5 (Highly Likely)
How likely will this educational activity help improve your practice?
I will seek additional information on this subject. 

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* 4. Was there any commercial bias expressed by speakers or in meeting process?

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* 5. Was the meeting room conducive to learning?

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* 6. Indicate the reason you came to the meeting:

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* 7. List a minimum of two things you are going to change in your practice as a result of what you have learned at this activity:

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* 8. Describe the barriers anticipated when implementing the above changes and how you will address those barriers:

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* 9. Based on your educational needs and/or perceived practice gaps in your specialty, please list any topics you would like to see addressed in future educational activities: