If you've discovered the thrill of ChiRunning or the joy of ChiWalking, you know the power of Chi in creating a balanced, healthy lifestyle. We're developing more ChiLiving health & lifestyle products, and we want to know what you want. Let us know what you think you'd find useful, and be sure to stay tuned for what's to come!

Question Title

* Please fill out each line. Or just just let us know your level of interest in the topics of most interest. Please let us know if there is anything we’ve missed.

  No Interest A Little Interest Moderate Interest Very Interested Extremely Interested
Stress management
Mindfulness for body, mind and spirit
Nutrition and weight management
Aging gracefully
Emotional freedom
Transforming the inner critic
T’ai Chi, Qigong and Taoism
Natural health and healing
Relationships and communication
Transforming the inner critic
Essential oils for home and health
ChiLife Coaching
Incorporating the Chi Skills and principles into your everyday life (i.e. Alignment & Relaxation, 4 elements, Body Sensing, and more)

Question Title

* Tell us about any other aspects of a healthy and balanced life you'd find useful

Question Title

* Let us know how you’ve incorporated ChiWalking and ChiRunning into other aspects of your life