St Virgil's College Survey

KPMG has been engaged by the Archbishop of Hobart, Julian Porteous and the Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission (TCEC) to undertake a review of the Catholic Education ‘system’ in southern Tasmania. This review will occur from November 2017 to 30 April 2018.

The review has been brought about by a range of contextual factors including:

- Funding uncertainty and the long term financial impacts of the new Gonski 2.0 reforms
- New State laws including the extension of some high schools to years 11 and 12
- Changing demographics including ageing populations and more rapid growth in Sorell, Kingborough and Brighton. 

KPMG have invited the College to make a submission to the review. Please complete this survey to assist the College's response. Please be assured that all feedback is anonymous and no respondents will be identified in any reports or summaries. 
Thank you for your assistance. 

Question Title

* 1. Current Grade Level of son(s) at SVC?

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* 2. At what Grade level did your son(s) commence at St Virgil's College?

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* 3. If SVC had offered kindergarten - Grade 2 education would you have enrolled your son in this stage of education? 

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* 4. If yes, at what level?

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* 5. Reasons behind response? 

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* 6. If childcare was available on/in close proximity to a K-2 site, would you be likely to access the service?

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* 7. Would the presence of childcare services influence your K-2 school selection decision?

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* 8. Changing Schools - Currently students at SVC may have to move schools at primary and secondary level – eg Gr 3 & 7. (and may have had a Kindergarten/Grade P-2 transition).  Please detail your experiences with these changes.
How has it impacted upon your son's learning, happiness or wellbeing for example?

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* 9. How do you feel about the thought of your son having to change to another school for Grade 11 and 12?

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* 10. The KPMG Review in line with contemporary educational research recognises the value of Middle Schooling (Grade 5-8). Would you support a specialist Middle School programme if it were developed at the Austins Ferry campus?

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* 11. What concerns would you have about a Middle School programme at Austins Ferry?

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* 12. Please briefly explain the reasons behind your current choice for a school for your son for Grade 11&12

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* 13. Grade 11 & 12 School Choice - at this stage what is your preferred school choice for your son for Grade 11 and 12?
For example - GYC, EC, Rosny, Hobart, Hutchins, Friends, Other or Not Sure?

Question Title

* 14. Please rate the importance of the following factors in making a school choice for Grade 11 and 12 studies for your son( if SVC was able to continue to Grade 12)?

  Very Important Important  Of Little Importance  No Importance  Not applicable 
Catholic Identity
Range of subjects 
VET Options 
Co-curricular programmes - sport, music and the arts
Pastoral care structures
Continuity of Studies 
Quality of Buildings and grounds
ICT provision and access 
Motivated and inspired teachers 
Teachers experienced in Grade 11&12 studies 
Service learning programmes
More flexible subject offerings 
Transport arrangements - to and from school 
Friends attending school 
Connectedness to school 
High quality sports programme 
Communication with parents
Same school as sibling 
More relaxed school environment 
Desire for a change 
Desire for continuity of education 
High uniform standards 
Specialist career counselling services 
Price of education 
Continuity of teachers who know students 
Linkages to employment pathways 
Excellent Outdoor education
Celebration of Catholic faith 
Support for students with special needs 
Ability to offer tertiary units of study 
Opportunities to express faith 
International exchange opportunities 
Transport arrangements - between campuses 
Preparing boys for University 
Leadership opportunities 
Education psychology services 
Programmes for gifted and talented students 
Interactions/partnerships with other schools 
Student behaviour in public
Excellent academic outcomes - ATAR schools 
Fees represent good value for money 
Access to accredited online study courses 
Linkages with interstate schools 
Scope for flexible school hours 
Efforts to build good men

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* 15. If SVC was to offer Grade 11 and 12 where would you like to see if offered?

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* 16. If SVC was to offer Grade 11 and 12 (with a suitable range of subjects) would you be likely to keep your son at the College for his final years of secondary school?

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* 17. What thoughts, ideas, challenges, statements, research or questions would you like the College to share with KPMG in regards to:

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* 18. Would there be any conditions upon this decision? For example, campus location, VET offerings, available teachers?