Together--We Can Effect Change

Thank you for engaging in this collective, multi-step effort—which is still being created as we go. 

This 16-question survey* captures effects of the 2015-16 Budget Impasse on your organization in terms of financials, staff, operations and clients.  The survey is designed to collect complementary information to encourage public support and other longer-term advocacy efforts (See below).

Time Commitment: We expect that you have probably been surveyed out. Thus, we have crafted the questions in a way that will hopefully take you no more than 5-7 minutes to complete.

Confidentiality: Please know that your organization’s name will NOT be used in any way in the final report or other public communication, but rather as an internal mechanism to track participation/duplication of responses.

The good news is that multiple organizations are seeking collective action in response to the current and potential future budget delays. Future actions may include but not be limited to: 

  • Proposed legislation that would protect the nonprofit community from being pawns of state budget negotiations while not jeopardizing long-term funding.
  • Long term studies around the impact nonprofits collectively have on the quality of life in our communities.
Thank you for participating in this effort.  And most of all, thank you for all you do to support the high quality of life in local communities.
*Questions have been gleaned both from similar efforts made by the Greater Pittsburgh Nonprofit Partnership and the PA School Board Association.