
Question Title

* 1. Let’s say you had to live 1 week WITHOUT one of the following. Which would you give up?
Katakanlah korang kena hidup 1 minggu TANPA salah-satu benda di bawah. Mana satu korang sanggup tinggalkan?

Question Title

* 2. How do you turn off the switches to your electrical items/electronic devices?
Macam mana korang tutup suis barangan elektrik?

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* 3. When do you use your air conditioner at home?
Bila korang guna air-cond kat rumah?

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* 4. How often do you sleep with your air-conditioner?
Berapa kerap korang tidur dengan air-cond?

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* 5. How much of your home is air-conditioned?
Air-cond letak kat mana dalam rumah?

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* 6. How often do you shower with a water heater?
Berapa kerap korang mandi dengan water heater?

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* 7. How do you typically charge your phone?
Biasanya macam mana anda caj phone?

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* 8. You're done using the computer, and are going to go home/go to sleep. How do you leave your computer?
Korang dah habis guna komputer, dan nak pergi rumah/pergi tidur. Macam mana korang tinggalkan komputer tu?

Question Title

* 9. Which do you think contributes the MOST to your electricity bill? (Don't Google the answer yea...)
Korang rasa la kan, apa yang buat bil elektrik PALING tinggi? (Jangan cari jawapan kat Google eh....)

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* 10. Do you use solar-powered equipment at home?
Korang guna alatan berkuasa solar tak kat rumah?

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* 11. How do you think Malaysian electricity is primarily generated?
Korang rasa macam mana elektrik kat Malaysia ni dijana?