Question Title

* 1. First & Last Name

Question Title

* 2. Email Address

Question Title

* 3. Please confirm email address

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* 4. Phone Number

Question Title

* 5. Business Name

Question Title

* 6. Is your business a non-profit?

Question Title

* 7. Brief Business Description (Problem(s) your business solves, stage of business, location)

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* 8. Business Website/Social Media Handles

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* 9. Founding Date (if concept idea, state "concept stage")

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* 10. Tell us more about your business. Who is your target client? Challenges you are facing?

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* 11. How did you learn about Fresh Start Mornings?

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* 12. Have you attended a Fresh Start Mornings, formerly known as 1 Million Cups Cherokee, event in the past?

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* 13. More Business Information (Optional)