Thanks for participating in the Litter Less Campaign. The campaign is part of the efforts of Foundation for Environmental Education to increase awareness on the issue of Pollution. We will use your responses in this survey to improve the content of the campaign.
The survey is fully anonymous!

Question Title

* 3. Are you a?

Question Title

* 5. Please mark whether the statements below are True or False?

  True False I'm not sure
It can take hundreds of years for a plastic bottle to break-down in nature
Microplastics are very small plastic particles that can be found in the fish we eat
Plastic pollution in the oceans comes only from fishing nets
Recycling does not consume resources
The main purpose of Circular Economy is to conserve resources
Toxins and microplastics can be accumulated as you are going up the food chain
The main purpose of Circular Economy is to recycle the products we buy

Question Title

* 6. There are different ways to reduce waste. Some are better than others. Please rank the following actions according to how good they are in reducing waste.

  1 (Worst) 2 3 4 5 (Best)
Stop buying things you don't really need
Throwing waste in a landfill
Burning waste to produce energy
Recycling and composting
Re-using products instead of throwing them away

Question Title

* 7. How important do you think it is that people...

  1 (Not important) 2 3 4 5 (Very important)
Reduce the amount of waste they produce at home
Re-use things instead of sending them to recycling
Consider what happens to the things they throw away
Make an effort to buy products that do not harm the environment
Buy products with bio-degradable packages
Clean up the oceans from plastic
Understand that buying less meat is important for reducing pollution
Reduce their use of paper

Question Title

* 8. How often do you:

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often
Feel bothered by litter you see lying around
Talk to your family about waste
Use both sides of paper for writing, drawing or printing
Sort your waste into different recycling bins
Look at the Eco-labels of the products you buy
Buy what you need rather than what you want

Question Title

* 9. How easy do you think it would be for you to perform the following tasks
on your own?

  I couldn’t do this I would struggle to do this on my own I could do this with a bit of effort I could do this easily
Formulate a clear environmental message in social media
Analyse information about pollution
Handle opposing points of view in a discussion about waste
Motivate others to produce less waste
Explain how pollution can travel from one country to another
Explain to others how various types of pollution affect the environment
Contact your local municipality about a waste issue near your home
Differentiate between reliable and unreliable information about pollution
Ask people you don't know what they think about pollution issues