The park staff was friendly and responsive.
The park staff was friendly and responsive. Strongly agree
The park staff was friendly and responsive. Agree
The park staff was friendly and responsive. Disagree
The park staff was friendly and responsive. Strongly disagree
The park staff was friendly and responsive. No opinion
The facilities were clean and well-presented.
The facilities were clean and well-presented. Strongly agree
The facilities were clean and well-presented. Agree
The facilities were clean and well-presented. Disagree
The facilities were clean and well-presented. Strongly disagree
The facilities were clean and well-presented. No opinion
The trails were easy to navigate.
The trails were easy to navigate. Strongly agree
The trails were easy to navigate. Agree
The trails were easy to navigate. Disagree
The trails were easy to navigate. Strongly disagree
The trails were easy to navigate. No opinion
The trails were well-maintained.
The trails were well-maintained. Strongly agree
The trails were well-maintained. Agree
The trails were well-maintained. Disagree
The trails were well-maintained. Strongly disagree
The trails were well-maintained. No opinion
The visitor guides, maps and interpretive signs were useful and interesting.
The visitor guides, maps and interpretive signs were useful and interesting. Strongly agree
The visitor guides, maps and interpretive signs were useful and interesting. Agree
The visitor guides, maps and interpretive signs were useful and interesting. Disagree
The visitor guides, maps and interpretive signs were useful and interesting. Strongly disagree
The visitor guides, maps and interpretive signs were useful and interesting. No opinion
I felt safe within the park.
I felt safe within the park. Strongly agree
I felt safe within the park. Agree
I felt safe within the park. Disagree
I felt safe within the park. Strongly disagree
I felt safe within the park. No opinion
I will return to the park.
I will return to the park. Strongly agree
I will return to the park. Agree
I will return to the park. Disagree
I will return to the park. Strongly disagree
I will return to the park. No opinion
I feel like my park visit was a good economic value.
I feel like my park visit was a good economic value. Strongly agree
I feel like my park visit was a good economic value. Agree
I feel like my park visit was a good economic value. Disagree
I feel like my park visit was a good economic value. Strongly disagree
I feel like my park visit was a good economic value. No opinion