NGMA - CO/WY Chapter Email Notification Acceptance and AGT

1.Provided the personal protections provided by NGMA, I agree to allow the CO/WY chair leadership to have access to and utilize my provided email address to receive meeting notifications, emails regarding the chapter, and any additional emails provided by the chapter leadership for the purpose of chapter messaging only.

The CO/WY chapter leadership team will never share your information or email with invidual members, and/or will never sell or share your information with anyone outside of the chapter.

If you agree to allowing the CO/WY leadership team to utilize your email to directly reach out to you, please agree below and provid your email in the next question.
2.If you accepted above, please provide your email address: 
3.Will you be attending the NGMA Annual Grant Training in Washington, DC - February 27 - March 1?
4.What day and time are you arriving?
5.Are you interested in participating in a networking event on the evening of Tuesday, February 27 with the CO/WY chapter members attending AGT?

(if you answer yes, please download the 2024 NGMA Conference App on your phone as this is where the communication will take place for the chapter)
6.Are you interested in sitting together for one of the general sessions (could be breakfast or lunch, we would have a table for our chapter only).

(if you answer yes, please download the 2024 NGMA Conference App on your phone as this is where the communication will take place for the chapter)