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* 1. Have you ever purchased a Make It University program before?

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* 2. What stage of business are you at?

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* 3. If you're already running your business, how important is it for you to keep yourself educated? 

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* 4. What do you wish you knew more about? (click all that apply)

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* 5. What is your biggest struggles in you business?

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* 6. Do you have any business mentors, role models or people you look up to for guidance? If so, who are they?

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* 7. Are you able to make a living doing what you love?

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* 8. Would you buy an online program that told you exactly how you could be a successful entrepreneur?

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* 9. What is the maximum you'd pay for a super comprehensive Make It University program that could totally change your business?

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* 10. If you have any questions, comments or ideas on how Make It University could be AWESOME and serve you in the best possible way please share them below. Thank you very much :)