Thank you for agreeing to to take part in this survey measuring how the community understands the Prosper Waco initiative.  We will be gaining your thoughts and opinions in order to serve the community better.  This survey should only take 4 to 5 minutes.  Be assured that all answers you provide will be kept confidential.  

Your feedback is greatly appreciated!

Question Title

* In order to make sure we are hearing from residents from all over the Greater Waco area, please enter your zip code:

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* How do you best receive information? 

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* How familiar are you with the Prosper Waco initiative?

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* How have you heard about the Prosper Waco initiative?

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* How are you involved in the Prosper Waco initiative?

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* Overall, how would you rate your experience with the Prosper Waco initiative in the last 12 months?
(Please click the number of stars you would give the Prosper Waco initiative. One star is poor, five stars is excellent)

Question Title

* Thinking about the last 12 months, please rate the following aspects of your experience with the Prosper Waco initiative:

  Below Average Average Above Average  I am not sure
I know what to expect out of the initiative
I know how to get involved 
I feel like the initiative is open and inclusive
My perspective is valid and valued

Question Title

* In the last 12 months, how well has the Prosper Waco initiative done in the following areas:

  Below average Average Above average I am not sure
Cultivating a culture of collaboration
Building momentum and accountability for the work
Promoting a data-driven approach 
Responsive to community voice
Communicating the work of community partners
Maintains a focus on diversity and equity

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* What could the Prosper Waco initiative do better to achieve its goals?

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* Please check the category/categories that best describes you or the type of organization with which you are associated.