The 2022 Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Users’ Meeting will be hosted by the Observatoire de Strasbourg from May 9 to 11 2022. The CFHT Users’ Meeting is a triannual conference for the CFHT user community highlighting the science, instrumentation, and future work of the facility. The 2022 meeting will be a hybrid meeting providing both in person and remote attendance options.

As this is the first hybrid CFHT Users’ Meeting, the Local Organizing Committee decided to send a survey to potential attendees to gauge preferences for attending remotely or in person. The information from this survey is critical for the LOC moving forward in the planning process in terms of conference space requirements, internet requirements, hotels, etc….

The LOC understands that the situation is fluid and one's preferences may shift over the upcoming year. For current COVID regulations in France, we direct you to the official government links found in the email linking to this survey.

Mahalo for your assistance. We look forward to seeing everyone in Strasbourg either in person or virtually.

The 2022 UM LOC.

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* 1. Do you plan to attend the 2022 CFHT UM in person or virtually?

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* 2. What factors will influence your decision? You may select more than one answer

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* 3. If you have children, would  you be interested in conference provided childcare?

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* 4. Do you plan to submit an abstract for a poster or talk?

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* 5. Have you attended a remote conference where you were impressed with the platform/software use?  If so, please share which platform/software was used.