Collective Future Fund, in partnership with the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, is launching a national survey of grantmakers who make financial investments to advance freedom from gendered, sexualized, and racialized violence. The purpose of the survey is to better understand this landscape and develop funder learning opportunities. By participating in this confidential survey, funders will add their voice to a first-of-its-kind resource on strategies to advance freedom from violence in the United States.
More information, including an FAQ, is available at collectivefuturefund.org/fundersurvey. Please reach out to info@collectivefuturefund.org with any questions.
Quick Facts
- The survey will take you up to 45 minutes to complete from start to finish. We understand this may be a significant time commitment. Please know that this survey is the first of its kind to explore grantmakers’ approaches to ending gender-based violence, and your participation will help to provide critical data on the field.
- Your survey responses will be kept confidential, with no identifying information about you or your institution used in the final report. Your survey responses will be combined with other grantmaking institutions taking the survey and presented in the aggregate.
- Your survey responses will help us understand the broader grantmaking landscape and the types of strategies that are funded to address safety, anti-violence, and gender-based violence in the U.S.
Getting Started Tips
- As you consider who will complete the survey, we recommend the project officer/grants administrator who works most closely with grant award recipients take the lead in answering these questions so that the answers reflect day-to-day operations. If this is not possible, we encourage you to discuss your answers with the project officer/grants administrator who works most closely with grant recipients.
- You might consider printing out the PDF version of the survey to facilitate answering the survey across multiple staff and/or teams.
- For the purpose of this survey, “safety” is defined as freedom from violence. Please see additional definitions on our website.
- If there are questions that you cannot answer, feel free to skip the question and move onto the next question. We'd rather have some data than no data at all.