Professional CFCS Series Development Panel Nominations |
1. Introduction
20% |
Please complete and submit the following survey by March 20. The purpose of this survey is to solicit your recommendations relative to Development Panel appointments for the CFCS-Series Exams:
- Family and Consumer Sciences Composite
- Human Development and Family Studies (HDFS)
- Hospitality, Nutrition, and Food Science (HNFS)
The development panel members will have primary responsibility for ensuring that the assessment/credential scope of competencies is consistent with industry priorities and that the assessment items are valid and reliable measures of the identified competencies.
Each development panel will be composed of 12 - 15 individuals that are content specialists representing business and industry or secondary and post-secondary programs. You are encouraged to nominate highly qualified individuals to serve on the panels.
You may submit up to 6 nominations reflective of the following categories:
(A) Business/Industry Representative (0, 1, or 2 nominations),
(B) Post-Secondary or University Content Specialist (0, 1, or 2 nominations), and
(C) Secondary Education Content Specialist (0, 1, or 2 nominations).
Nominations may be submitted in any or all categories. A full range of contact and background information is needed to make informed panel appointments. Please be as complete as possible in providing information for your nominees.
While it is not necessary for you to make any contacts before submitting the nominations, you should feel relatively confident that nominees would serve if appointed. All meetings will occur using Internet-facilitated teleconferencing at intervals needed over the months ahead, concluding with completion of refinements indicated by the pilot testing to be conducted subsequent to initial development.
You may incrementally enter information into the survey instrument, exiting and re-entering until you formally "submit." Please complete the nomination process and submit no later than March 20.
Thank you for your assistance with this important project task.
Each development panel will be composed of 12 - 15 individuals that are content specialists representing business and industry or secondary and post-secondary programs. You are encouraged to nominate highly qualified individuals to serve on the panels.
You may submit up to 6 nominations reflective of the following categories:
(A) Business/Industry Representative (0, 1, or 2 nominations),
(B) Post-Secondary or University Content Specialist (0, 1, or 2 nominations), and
(C) Secondary Education Content Specialist (0, 1, or 2 nominations).
Nominations may be submitted in any or all categories. A full range of contact and background information is needed to make informed panel appointments. Please be as complete as possible in providing information for your nominees.
While it is not necessary for you to make any contacts before submitting the nominations, you should feel relatively confident that nominees would serve if appointed. All meetings will occur using Internet-facilitated teleconferencing at intervals needed over the months ahead, concluding with completion of refinements indicated by the pilot testing to be conducted subsequent to initial development.
You may incrementally enter information into the survey instrument, exiting and re-entering until you formally "submit." Please complete the nomination process and submit no later than March 20.
Thank you for your assistance with this important project task.