
Thank you for participating in a review of CEEDAR’s website, resources, publications, and tools. Your responses will remain anonymous and will provide important evaluative information that CEEDAR will use to gauge the success of and improve its products, tools, and website.  Please contact Kim Schroeder at if you have further questions or need an alternative format.  We appreciate your honest feedback!

Thank you,
Center Street Consulting
External Evaluator for CEEDAR 3.0

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements about the CEEDAR Center website:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Cannot Rate
The website functions well. I can easily view and find resources.
The various pages include the information I expect to find.
Overall, the website is of high quality.
I use website information and resources to support** efforts to improve teacher and leader preparation and reform in my state.
     **Support can be defined broadly.  It might include such actions as: use the resources in a meeting, share resources with a colleague, use
     resources in a class or professional development.
50% of survey complete.