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Please fill out the below survey to complete your application for the 2021-2022 CEC Community Grant Program.

Prière de noter que bien que les questions soient en anglais, vous êtes les bienvenues à répondre dans la langue de votre choix.

Question Title

* 1. Contact Information: Applicant lead

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* 2. Contact Information: Affiliated business or organization

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* 3. Letter of support from the affiliated business (if applicable) is to be sent to

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* 4. Project Title

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* 5. Which focus are you applying for?

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* 6. Which of the following motivators/barriers does your project focus on? Check all that applies.

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* 7. Project Description (approximately 300 words)

Please include project goal(s), target audience, timeline for implementation, why this project is needed in your community, and how you will address the selected motivator/barrier.

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* 8. Describe how you will measure your success and outcomes.

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* 9. What is your budget ask, and how will you be spending this money?

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* 10. How will you safely implement this project during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Please include contingency plans, safety measures, and needed precautions.

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* 11. What challenges may you face in this project?

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* 12. Any other details you would like to share with the Diversity & Inclusion committee?

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