Have your Say

We welcome your feedback on the draft Climate Emergency Action Plan 2023 – 2025.

About the Action Plan 
A draft Climate Emergency Action Plan 2023-2025 has been developed to continue Council’s progress in delivering the Climate Emergency Response Plan. A practical yet ambitious plan for the next two years, it will see Council’s climate response become more embedded across the organisation, continue progress towards our emissions reduction target, implement the Climate Adaptation Planning Framework to build Council’s resilience to climate impacts, and empower community climate action. 

Share your views
We welcome your feedback on the draft Climate Emergency Action Plan 2023-2025. 
There are questions targeting the actions that have most interaction with our community, and you can also share your views on any aspect of the draft Action Plan at the end of the survey.

You can view the draft Action Plan here.

The actions in the plan are arranged under Council’s six Climate Emergency Response Plan goals:

1. Our organisation is carbon neutral
2. Our organisation generates, stores and uses renewable electricity
3. Our organisation is adapting well to a changing climate
4. Our organisation is working with local Registered Aboriginal Parties and First Nations on climate action
5. Our organisation facilitates and empowers community responses to the climate emergency
6. Our organisation is a climate emergency leader

Feedback is welcome by 31 July.

All input will be reviewed and used to inform the final Action Plan, to be considered by Council at the August Council meeting.

Background - Responding to a climate emergency
Council declared a climate emergency in 2019, acknowledging the need for urgent and significant action on climate change. Council’s Climate Emergency Response Plan 2021-2031 (CERP) provides the overarching strategic vision, goals and actions for managing Council’s response to the climate crisis. It is our vehicle to drive coordinated climate action across the organisation and build our resilience to thrive in a changing climate.

The CERP includes three response areas:
·        Mitigation – reducing future impacts through Council’s greenhouse gas emissions reduction;
·        Adaptation – reducing vulnerability to unavoidable climate impacts; and
·        Mobilisation – empowering Council staff and the community to act.