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Turning your 3 P's into Profit

Hey, have you ever wondered how you could turn your Pains, Passion or Proficiency(Expertise) into Profit? 
I am creating a free online training on it and I need your help about what you would like to learn

Question Title

* 1. Have you ever had the opportunity to solve a problem that derived from  the following;
  • A Pain point - found a game changer solution to a problem area i.e discovered a formula to easily recover from a traumatic loss.
  • Your Passion - Found a blue print on how to easily teach someone how to cook, draw, etc.
  • Proficiency/expertise - Had an opportunity to use your experience and expertise to solve a problem , accounting, legal or project management services. 

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* 2. Even though it’s free, I want this to be a very helpful training. What is the #1 thing you want to
learn about using your pain, pleasure, passion or proficiency to start your business?

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* 3. What is the #1 thing you’ve already tried that didn’t work?

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* 4. What is the #1 fear you want to avoid at all costs when trying to turn your 3 P's into Profit?

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* 5. What is the one thing you cannot live without?

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