
Thank you for participating in Glass Lewis’ 2023 Client Policy Survey.  
The entire survey should take less than 30 minutes to complete. While most questions should have universal relevance, we have also included a limited number of questions that are specific to certain regions. You may fill out the entire survey, or pick and choose which topics are relevant to you – all responses are invaluable. 
While the survey is framed from an investor lens, we strongly value your views on these topics. In cases where the multiple choice options or specific terms of the question do not appear applicable, we encourage using the comment boxes following each question to explain your perspective on the topic.
Responses will be accepted until 8pm EST / 5pm PST on September 15th. Late responses will still be considered, but may not be included in any statistical reporting. 
We are accepting responses from all Glass Lewis clients, and you are encouraged to share the link to this survey with others in your organization. Please fill out the initial section accurately; responses that cannot be verified may not be considered. We will not identify individuals or organizations participating in the survey in reporting the results.

Please contact guidelinescomments@glasslewis.com if you have any questions.