1. National Service Directory Corrections Form

Thank you for taking the time to submit corrections to the Michigan National Service Directory by completing this survey. For the Directory to be effective, it is essential all information contained within it be as accurate and up-to-date as possible. Submitting corrections to any inaccurate information will be a tremendous help in ensuring this tool provides maximum value to all those who use it. Thanks again!

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* 1. First, we will need to know the specific search result for which you wish to submit a correction. Please provide the following information exactly as it currently appears (this includes any/all inaccuracies):

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* 2. To submit a revision, please provide the correct information exactly as it should appear in the search result for all fields that apply.

*Important Note: For AmeriCorps programs listed in the directory, only the contact information of the program director/project manager will be included. This is done in an effort to streamline information and minimize confusion for programs with several individual host sites.

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* 3. Additional Feedback: