Recommendations Sought for 2023 Lifetime Contribution Award

- Do you know someone who has made a long term and exceptional contribution to the mission of CDSS?
- Has this contribution benefited more than one geographical area and/or generation?
- Have they worked in conjunction with CDSS for more than 20 years?

If the answer is “yes” to all of these, then you may know a future recipient of the CDSS Lifetime Contribution Award (LCA).

Examples of a significant contribution include:
- increasing the quality of what we do by inspiration, instruction or excellent example
- bringing what we do to new communities
- expanding the repertoire of dance, music and/or song through scholarship or original composition
- working behind the scenes or enabling others to make these contributions.

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* 1. What is your contact information?

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* 2. Award events are organized in conjunction with CDSS. A local organizer or group is required in order to consider a candidate for the award. Are you able to help organize an award event if your candidate receives the award?

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* 3. The Lifetime Contribution Award is for living persons. Is the candidate alive? If no, please consider suggesting the person for the CDSS Posthumous Lifetime Contribution Award if they meet the criteria.

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* 4. Who do you recommend for the Lifetime Contribution award?

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* 5. Describe in detail the major events the candidate was/is involved in. Example: 1994, Program Director, Pinewoods Early Music Week)

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* 6. Describe in detail the related organizations the nominee was/is involved. Example: CDS Boston Centre, Board 2004-2010, secretary 2007-2010; NEFFA Board, 2001-2004; PCI Board, 2010-present

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* 7. Describe the candidate's significant publications and/or recordings. Enter N/A if not applicable.

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* 8. Describe how the candidate’s work benefited more than one generation. Examples: X taught dancing to children at Family Weeks and to seniors at Elderhostel events; Y’s book of tunes has been in print for over 20 years and is a standard in the contra dance community.

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* 9. Describe how the candidate's work benefited more than one geographical area. Example: founded the San Francisco English Country Dance, later became involved with Boston’s morris and sword community, playing for teams throughout New England.

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* 10. What additional information can you provide? Testimonials from other supporters can be included here. Or, even better, have them submit their own recommendation.